Literary Managers and Dramaturgs of the Americas Journal Call
To submit an article for peer review, please email the following as two separate documents:
The full paper submission should be double-spaced, 5,000-6,000 words in length, MS Word file (No PDFs please!), formatted according to MLA style guidelines. Articles can contain footnotes and should include a Works Cited page. To ensure a fair blind-review process, the author’s name should be omitted from this document. Images/Graphics, when rights are available, are encouraged. All images must be sent as separate .jpeg or .tiff files.
A title page that includes the author’s name, address, email address, telephone, and institutional affiliation (if applicable), as well as a brief biography.
For alternative submissions:
Please submit a proposal of no more than 250 words as a MS Word file. This document should include the author’s name, address, email address, telephone, and institutional affiliation (if applicable), as well as a brief biography. The editors welcome proposals that engage with practice, process, and scholarship in a variety of formats including but not limited to:
Excerpts from production archives and rehearsal notebooks
Visual forms of storytelling
Conversations and interviews
Critical reflections on topics related to the field
Collaborative methods and other dramaturgical processes
Please send submissions to Kristin Leahey, Editor of Review, will directly receive inquiries and submissions at this address. Review acknowledges receipt of submission via email in 1 to 2 weeks and response time is 2 to 3 months from the submission deadline of August 15, 2018.
Previous issues of Review can be found here: https://soundideas.pugetsound.