Call for Theatre Annual Editor
Call for Theatre Annual Editor
The American Theatre & Drama Society seeks applications for Editor of Theatre Annual, ATDS’s peer-reviewed journal. The position has a four-year term that includes a two-year training/learning period as Associate Editor to make the position more accessible and to maintain institutional memory.
Description of the Journal: Theatre Annual is the oldest theatre periodical continuously published in the United States. It is dedicated to examining theatre and performance of the Americas. We construe “America” broadly to include North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean Islands. Articles may treat work in these geographic areas or work from these areas that is presented elsewhere in the world. We welcome articles on the history and ethnography of performance, drawing from such areas as theatre studies, performance studies, popular culture, music, anthropology, dance, communication, philosophy, folklore, history, and areas of interest that cross disciplinary lines. Please find additional information on the Theatre Annual website:
Editor Job Description: The successful applicant will join Theatre Annual’s editorial team in June 2024, serving as Associate Editor for the 2024 and 2025 issues; they will work closely with the Editor in preparing
issues for publication and learning the process. They will promote in August 2025 to serve as Editor for the 2026 and 2027 issues. In the final two years of their term, they will also begin the process of training the incoming Associate Editor.
The Editor is responsible for preparing one issue a year. This includes distributing a call for submissions; conducting anonymous peer review; carrying out production work; and liaising with contributors, the Associate
Editor, the editorial board, the Book Review Editor, the Managing Editor, and the publisher, the College of William & Mary. The Editor provides an annual report to ATDS at its ATHE Business Meeting that includes information from the College of William & Mary on the journal’s finances, subscriptions, and marketing, as well as numbers of received submissions and accepted articles, updates on special issues, and so forth). The Associate Editor will assist with these duties and copy editing. Both Editor and Associate Editor are encouraged to be active and visible scholars in the field. Workload varies throughout the year, but the Editor should expect to
devote approximately 80 hours to each issue, with more labor-intensive periods during peak submissions times, around major conferences, and amidst copy editing and production weeks. The Associate Editor should expect to devote 30-40 hours to each issue. The Associate Editor receives an annual stipend of $500; the Editor receives an annual stipend of $1500.
Though the application process is open to all interested individuals, it is expected that the Editor and Book Review Editor will maintain an ATDS membership in good standing while serving. ATDS currently offers Pay
What You Can membership: membership-shop/.
Please send a cover letter describing your interest and experience (1 page) and a shortened CV (2 pages) —or any questions—to Dr. Peter Reed, Chair of the Theatre Annual Editor Search Committee, at by April 22, 2024. Search committee members include Michael Lueger, Benjamin Gillespie, Jocelyn Buckner, and Bess Rowen.