ATDS Awards
Award recipients will be recognized at ATDS’s annual membership meeting, which will be held online during the ATHE Conference (July 28-August 1, 2025). Thank you for your patience as we update the awards calls for 2025.
Due Date: April 6, 2025
Purpose: To honor and remember Dr. Betty Jean Jones, a founding member of the American Theatre and Drama Society and highly respected and admired educator, ATDS Society accepts nominations each year for the Betty Jean Jones Award.
In honor of Dr. Jones’ memory and meaningful membership in ATDS and the field of American theatre, the Betty Jean Jones Award honors individuals who have achieved excellence as college/university teachers and mentors in the profession.
Jones received her B.A. in English from Bennett College, her M.F.A in Directing from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and her Ph.D. in American Theatre and Drama from the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Internationally recognized for her scholarly expertise in American theatre and film, Dr. Jones was also an avid and internationally recognized director. After teaching at her alma maters, Dr. Jones was a Professor of Theatre and an Associate Dean at the University of Michigan until her untimely death from a plane crash.
Award Amount and Additional Benefits: The Honoree will receive conference registration (up to $450) to attend the annual membership meeting and awards ceremony, a $200 Honorarium, and Lifetime Honorary Membership in ATDS (or if they already hold a lifetime membership, they may nominate up to ten student or contingent colleagues for one year’s membership).
- Nominees should have taught on the college level (either full or part time) for at least 10 years. These need not have been consecutive.
- Nominees should have had an impact on students and the profession as a teacher and mentor, contributing to the field of theatre and drama in and of the Americas as a scholar and/or artist.
- Nominees should have demonstrated exceptional teaching and mentorship of undergraduates, graduate students, or early career colleagues within academic, artistic, and professional development settings.
Nominations: Nominees need not be members of either ATDS or ATHE, but the individual making the nomination must be a member of ATDS. Nominations from students, colleagues, and other members of the academic community are welcomed.
Recognizing that notions of America and the U.S. encompass migrations of peoples and cultures that overlap and influence one another, we especially encourage nominations of individuals whose mentorship cultivates knowledge production of and about the global majority.
Submissions: The ATDS nominating member must submit a letter of nomination with no more than three supporting letters. These submission letters should clearly describe the meritorious efforts, activities, and recognitions that provide evidence of the nominee’s distinctive contributions as a teacher and mentor.
Nominations should be sent by April 6, 2025 to Bethany Hughes at Email submissions with attachments are preferred. Please use the email heading: “Betty Jean Jones Award.”
The American Theatre and Drama Society will generally honor one person each year, but a nominee’s file will be considered for up to two subsequent years.
2025 Committee: Bethany Hughes (University of Michigan), James Wilson (The Graduate Center, CUNY), and Brian Herrera (Princeton University)
You can learn more about Dr. Jones and her legacy at the Gaines-Jones Foundation (
Previous Award Winners
Ann Folino White
Annabelle Winograd
Brian Herrera
Cheryl Black
Brenda Murphy
Faedra Chatard Carpenter
Bruce McConachie
Heather Nathans
David Savran
Jonathan Chambers
Tice Miller
Robert A. Schanke
Dorothy Chansky
Laurence Senelick
Felicia Londré
John Frick
Elinor Fuchs
David Krasner
James Fisher
Christopher Bigsby
Harry Elam
Brooks McNamara
Marc Robinson
Barry Witham
Patti Gillespie
Linda Dorff
Esther Jackson
Don Wilmeth
Rosemarie Bank
Geri Maschio